I met Kristin and Andrew a few years ago, when they hired GS to capture their big day. I did not photograph their wedding, but my great friend Kim (who now owns Auguste Photo) did! I absolutely loved the photos, and my heart melted when I saw that they even had their beautiful golden retriever as their ring bearer!
Fast forward a year or two. I was at the dog park with my boy Monsieur Bailey, and I see a stunning golden retriever waltz in. I look up, and there was Kristin! I had completely forgotten that she actually lived across the street, and both our dogs played at the same park. Monsieur Bailey was smitten, he completely fell under the charm of Ivy.
Sadly (for my dog), Kristin and Andrew moved to the south shore when they were expecting their first baby. Although Ivy was then a distant memory to Bailey, I had the chance to see her again when I went to their home to capture family life with their adorable baby boy! It was so nice to spend an hour with them; the session was so laid back and easy. I adore home sessions: it allows the baby to feel comfortable in his or her own routine, they are not weather dependent, and they make for real memories that have true meaning for the future.
I am so glad to have had the opportunity to capture Kristin and Andrew’s family! I tried hiding the photos from my dog, but sadly, he saw them, and he is now completely heartbroken as he was reminded that the love of his life lives far, far away.